Echoes, Embers, A program presented by the Asian Film Archive, draws inspiration from distinct realms within Vietnamese cinema, serving as a visual representation of the intricate interplay between Vietnamese and French cinema. These two nations' intertwined cinematic histories have spanned over a century. The visual approach seeks to eloquently convey the profound cultural connection between these two nations, encapsulating their shared heritage and journey from one culture to another.
Creative Direction by Darius Ou
Crossroads is an annual festival that celebrates new media art, featuring digital and media-based artworks displayed on commercial electronic billboards and advertising screens throughout Singapore.
The website takes inspiration from the dynamic interplay of banners on digital billboards, offering an interactive and responsive platform for showcasing these artworks.
Creative Direction by Darius Ou.
A modular typeface tailored specifically for the Golden Mile Complex, known as GM360. This unique typeface was meticulously crafted using a grid system based on wireframes of a 3D building, allowing for precise adjustments in 10-degree increments.